Vulnhub-Walkthrough: Thoth-Tech: 1

Nitunga Baptiste Billy
3 min readOct 2, 2024


Hii everyone!!! Like promised in my last ctf walkthrough, i have tried something different by challenging myself with a different machine. Today, we are gonna look at how to take down the Toth machine. Lesssgoo🔥🔥🔥…enjoy!

Download Link:

Machine creator:

Write-up Author: Nitunga Baptiste Billy

Difficulty: Easy…with a little twist

Step1: Enumeration

We start it off with a network scan to identify the ip address of our vulnerable machine in our internal network using netdiscover.

netdiscover -r

In my case, the ip address is:

We continue the enumeration with a nmap scan to see what port(s) are/is open using the following command:

nmap -sC -sV
nmap output

We have 3 open ports. I decided to go with the ftp server first. Since there is a note.txt for us as shown on the image above.


username: anonymous


After logging in, I downloaded the note.txt file using:

get note.txt

Which downloads the file on our attacker machine. We then, cat out the file.

Seems like a hint telling us a possible username: pwnlab and that the password is very weak. If the password is weak, it is probably in the rockyou list.

Step 2: Foothold

I decided to use hydra to bruteforce into ssh.

hydra -l pwnlab -P /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt ssh://

That was quick and easy.

Step 4: Gaining Access

Let’s ssh into the machine using the credentials(pwnlab babygirl1)

After getting the user.txt, Let’s see if we can escalate our privilegies

Step 5: Privilege Escalation

Let’s see if we are in the sudoers list.

sudo -l

Bingo! We can run the find binay as root with no password required.

There is a great website on different binaries’ payloads called gtfobins.

I copy the payload and paste it into the machine.

We have a rootshell. Last step is to get the root flag in the root directory

That’s it.


This machine wasn’t too hard, but it did make me think a bit to figure out what the hint in note.txt was all about. Luckily, I didn’t start with port 80 enumeration, or I would’ve struggled a lot more. Thanks for checking out the walkthrough! Maybe the next machine will be more challenging for us. CIAO!!



Nitunga Baptiste Billy
Nitunga Baptiste Billy

Written by Nitunga Baptiste Billy



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