Napping 1.0.1: Vulnhub Walkthrough
Hey everyone! Hereâs a write-up on how I took down the Napping 1.0.1 VM from VulnHub. My objective? Get root access, of course. Letâs walk through the process.
Download Link: napping-1.0.1.ova
Description: Even Admins can fall asleep on the job
Author: Baptiste Billy Nitunga
Step 1: Getting Set Up
To start, I made a directory on my Kali machine to keep all my files organized:
mkdir napping
cd napping
Next, I needed to find the IP of the target machine, so I used netdiscover
to scan my network:
netdiscover -r
With the IP address in hand, I ran nmap
to see what services were up and running:
nmap -sS -A -T4
Port 80 was open, so I knew I was dealing with a web server. Time to check it out.
Step 2: Exploring the Web Server
When I navigated to the IP in my browser, I landed on a login page. It also had an option to create a new user, which piqued my interest.
Creating a User
Since there was an option to create a new user, I went ahead and registered. I thought this might give me access to something interesting.
After creating a user, I logged in with the new credentials and got access to a basic web page. There wasnât much going on, but there was an input field that caught my eye.
I was tempted to drop a PHP reverse shell into the input field, but I decided to do some recon first.
Step 3: Digging Deeper
Before trying any injection attacks, I decided to do some directory busting with gobuster
to uncover any hidden directories:
gobuster dir -u -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt
I found a few interesting directories, including /config.php
. Unfortunately, when I tried to access it, all I got was a blank page.
That wasnât too helpful, so I went back to exploring the application.
Step 3: Finding the Vulnerability
Letâs take a closer look at the /welcome.php. And letâs enter a dummy link to see how the website behaves
Letâs go ahead and inspect the webpage.
Nothing really interesting at a first look, but if we look closely, we notice a very known vulnerability in the link syntax(target=â_blankâ) called âtabnabbingâ. Click here if you want to learn more.
Step 4: Foothold
Create a login page replica, prompting the admin to input their credentials when they click our link. The post request will then be directed to our machine with a pre-set listener. Letâs get our hands dirty!!!!
we also set a web server using the command:
python3 -m http-server 80
We set our netcat listener :
nc -lvnp 8000
To capture data from the POST method in our fake logging page
Now, we paste our link in the welcome page and hit submit
A username and password are acquired, with the latter seemingly URL encoded. The actual password is: C@ughtm3napping123
With that, I got my initial access. Time to see what more I could do.
Step 5: Gaining Access
Letâs try to ssh into the machine using those credentials
No flags are found, but thereâs another user named Adrian, who possesses the user flag, albeit without sufficient privileges to view it. There are also intriguing files like âSite_status.txtâ and âquery.pyâ. It seems âquery.pyâ checks the websiteâs status and records it in âSite_status.txtâ(A cron job). What if we replace the code that performs this task with a reverse shell, granting us access to Adrianâs shell?
Step 6: Privilege Escalation
Note: The script should only be run by Adrian or an automated process, as Adrian is the scriptâs owner. Running the script as Daniel will result in using Danielâs shell instead, which is not desired.
I modified the script to execute a reverse shell, and when the script was triggered, I gained shell access as Adrian.
Letâs see if we can read the user.txt flag now.
We can notice that adrian can run the command utility vim with root privileges.
According to gtfobins, we can take advantage of this by typing:
sudo /usr/bin/vim -c â!:/bin/shâ
Thanks for checking out my write-up! If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to reach out. Happy hacking! TCHĂSSâŚ.